How Much Do You Know About Radish

The benefits of radish
Several epidemiological studies have shown that a high consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of cardiovasculaires29 disease, certain cancers30 chroniques1,2,31 and other diseases. The presence of antioxidants in fruits and vegetables may play a role in this protection.
Cancer. Several studies have shown that regular consumption of vegetables from the cruciferous family (eg radish, turnip, kohlrabi, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli) may prevent certain cancers, such as lung , ovary and kidney (for Women) 3-5.
active compounds contained in white radish (isothiocyanates) demonstrated in vitro anti-mutagenic properties, which have a role to play in preventing cancer22. Several antioxidants in radish, including anthocyanins and kaempferol, would provide protection against cancer by reducing the formation of tumors in animals and growth of cancer cells in vitro13,15. Researchers have also shown that antioxidants black radish had an effect on lipid intestinal cells and contribute to the prevention côlon11 cancer.
Cardiovascular health. Daily consumption of cruciferous vegetables is associated with lower blood levels of homocystéine6, which would reduce the risks of diseases cardiovasculaires7. A study in animals has shown that compounds from the white radish (isothiocyanates) decreased the growth of vascular cells, which is associated with overdevelopment cardiovasculaires23 certain diseases. Some radish antioxidants could decrease cholesterol, triglycerides, blood glucose and the etprotègeraient also against oxidation of blood lipids in the animal10,16.
Digestive system. Several animal studies have shown that the root and the radish leaves contain substances which increase the intestinale24-27 motility.
Memory. A study in elderly women concluded that consumption of cruciferous cognitif8 slow the decline.

What's radish?

Radish contains various types of antioxidants, compounds that protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals and would prevent the development of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and other diseases related to vieillissement9.
The red radish contains anthocyanins, mainly pelargodinines12, while white radish contains the kaempferol (a flavonol) 14. The different varieties of radish also contain peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme. These compounds have demonstrated in vitro and in animals promising effects for the prevention of cancer11,13,15,16 but further studies are needed, however, to determine whether the effects would be similar in humans.

Like most cruciferous vegetables, radish contains glucosinolates. Glucosinolates radish have the ability to become active molecules (isothiocyanates) when the food containing it is chopped, masticated or in contact with the intestinale19,21 bacterial flora. Cooking cruciferous vegetables, however, causes a loss of glucosinolates in the cooking water.
Black radish would contain two to five times more glucosinolates that certain varieties of red or blancs17 radish. Several of these molecules help to limit the development of some cancers18-20. Other studies, however, must be conducted to check whether these properties apply to humans.

Researchers have identified a compound present in the root of the radish, méthylisogermabullone, which would enhance the ownership of the intestinal motility in the animal27. This work could explain the use of radish in traditional medicine to stimulate the digestive system and promote bowel. Other human studies are however needed to explore this issue.

Vitamins and major minerals
> Nutrient sources Classification
> Vitamins: their functions, the best sources
> Minerals: their functions, the best sources

Vitamin C
The radish is a source of vitamin C.

Cruciferous and thyroid cancer: a link between the two?
Cruciferous naturally contain thioglycosides, substances that have a link with cancer of the thyroid gland in animals. However, a meta-analysis of studies from many countries and with more than 5000 people has shown that a high consumption of cruciferous was not associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer in humain28.

Irritable bowel syndrome.
Some people with irritable bowel syndrome may experience varying degrees, an intolerance of crucifers, such as radish. Limit or avoid fermentable foods such as those of the cruciferous family, can alleviate the symptoms (abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea) in people with this syndrome. When the symptoms are mild, or during periods called "remission", it is sometimes possible to gradually reintegrate these foods, always respecting individual tolerance.

Interaction between cruciferous and certain medications.
Indoles, compounds naturally present in cruciferous vegetables may reduce in particular the action of some analgesics such as products containing acetaminophen (Tylenol®, Atasol®, Tempra®, etc.) and other drugs combining active ingredient mixture (BENYLIN®, Contac®, Robaxacet®, etc.). People who eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables should take this into consideration.

Recipe ideas
To access other recipes, you can go to the recipes site, which offers among others, the following recipes: recipes using radish, white radish-based recipes, soup tops radish.

Typically, it keeps the skin of small red radishes radish or Spanish, but peeled daikon and daikon.
For radishes are very crisp, plunge them into an ice water bath for one hour. Or, cut them into thin slices or sticks and dip them in water: they enrouleront or will bend, which will look great on a plate.
In Japan, it is generally cook daikon in water which was used to rinse rice or, again, with rice bran, which helps to preserve their color and soften its flavor.

Raw radish
  • The little red radish eaten raw to croque-au-salt or in a salad, for example with avocado, tuna, tomatoes, sweet corn and mayonnaise. For variety, add the lemon zest and garnish with mayonnaise preparing chopped mint leaves.
  • Garnish hamburger or sandwich with grated radish smoked meat.
  • Grate radishes and cut into thin slices and mix with unsalted butter. Spread slices of bread of this preparation.
  • Cook boiled eggs. Cut them in half, remove the yolk and mix it with grated radish and fresh cheese. Stuff the egg white of this preparation. Serve on lettuce.
  • Daikon and carrot salad. Grate the two root vegetables and mix them in a bowl. Add chopped mint leaves, lemon zest and dry roasted black sesame seeds in a pan. Season with a few drops of rice vinegar. Or, mix the two root vegetables with thin slices of shiitake and dried apricots and green beans sections. Sprinkle a tofu sauce, tahini, rice vinegar and soy sauce.
  • In Japan, daikon is often served as a condiment with sushi, sashimi and other dishes. Finely grate and squeeze through a cloth to remove excess water. Put it in partially filled cup fish sauce or soy sauce, minced with onions and grated ginger.
Radishes cooked
  • Cook small whole red radish steamed about fifteen minutes, then glaze them through the few minutes in a sauce made of butter and orange juice. Garnish with orange zest and serve.
  • Very young radish can be cooked with their foliage. Serve with yogurt sauce.
  • Cut a radish into slices and fry in butter ten minutes. Sprinkle cumin or other spices and serve as an accompaniment to meat or poultry.
  • Mix butter and honey in equal parts, put in a frying pan and pickling in the preparation of very thin slices of radish. Add lemon juice and serve.
  • Chinese radishes are usually eaten cooked. Roast them, sautéing, roasting, boiling or steaming. For example, stir-fry in sesame oil with slices of cucumber and spring onion; add the broth and cook four or five minutes.
  • Sour soup. Put dashi or chicken broth to heat, add the rice vinegar, honey, pepper, grated ginger and shrimp. When these are developed, add slices of radish, chopped spinach and chopped some onions. Turn off the heat, cover and let stand a few minutes before serving.
  • Pasta with radish. Slice of radish tops roots and cut into slices. Fry the chopped onion in olive oil, add tops and radish slices, cook a few minutes, then add to the preparation of short pasta boiled. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, stir and serve.

  • Chop the young leaves and add them to soups and omelettes or cook them like spinach.
  • In Japan, the leaves finely chisels daikon and placed one hour to marinate with salt, then pressed to remove water. They are then added to rice or stir fry dishes.
  • Radish pods snake. Small can be eaten raw, the largest are usually fried with oriental snow peas, spring onions, shiitake mushrooms, water chestnuts, etc.

Radish seeds to germinate
  • Soak 8-14 hours and put them to germinate. Eat the young shoots after a day or let them form a few days. Add them sparingly (they are quite pungent) in salads or sandwiches.
Other delicious recipes with radishes!
Choice and conservation


Radishes, anchovies, butter and pickle
Rossini, the author of the famous opera The Barber of Seville was, it seems, a gourmet unusual. Several of his pieces have been inspired by a good dish. Towards the end of his life, he composed piano pieces little known, including The Four appetizers, featuring radish, anchovies, pickles and butter.

Choose firm roots, smooth and beautiful bright color. The foliage must be very green. To avoid unpleasant surprises, press the flesh with the thumb; if it yields to the pressure, the radish is probably hollow fiber.
Red and black radishes are readily available commercially. Other types, including radish-snake are rare: go see the side of Asian grocery stores, which offer further radishes marinated in salt or miso.

Refrigerator. Four to seven days in a plastic bag or a container of cold water. Keep the tops separately in the refrigerator, if one desires to consume; radish will keep even longer. Asian and black radish radishes can be stored a few weeks or months, in a perforated plastic bag.

The story radish
Common names: radishes, radish Madras, snake radish.
Scientific name: Raphanus sativus.
Family: Brassicaceae (synonym: cruciferous).

Radish, wealth and poverty
In popular language of the nineteenth century, the word "radish" meant a small coin, then he took the meaning of "small amount of money." Hence the phrase "not having a radish" that still persists today. For the ancient Greeks, it was the opposite. They carried such respect for this vegetable radish their offerings to the god Apollo was presented on plates of gold. Beet and turnip were only entitled to the money and lead.

The term "radish" appeared in the language of the sixteenth century. It comes from the Latin radix, meaning "root".

Although its origin is somewhat obscure, it is believed that the radish comes from the Middle East and southwest Asia. There was domesticated there thousands of years before spreading to the rest of Asia and Europe. It was already known in Egypt before the construction of the pyramids, that is to say there are more than 5000 years. It is possible that it has been grown primarily for its seeds, which produce an edible oil quality. The Greeks and Romans appreciated and cultivated in many varieties. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, it was the most common root vegetable in Northern Europe and the UK, especially attributed to him many medicinal properties. However, it was not until the eighteenth century before the appearance and the small round red radishes that we know today. 

Radishes that are commonly eaten were generally white or black, much larger and elongated.
The radish was introduced in America in the early years of colonization and has never lost its popularity since. However, it consumes much less than our ancestors and the choice of varieties is now relatively small. Indeed, in the nineteenth century in kitchen in Canada and the United States, was cultivated radish, daikon and various types of Chinese radish. There was also growing a variety called "Radish Madras" or "radish-snake", which has the particularity to quickly go to seed and form edible pods. It also produced a yellow flesh radish, which is no trace today, and a very large fodder radish that was given to graze livestock.

In contrast, the radish has continued to play an important role in Japanese food, Chinese and Koreans. They prepare all kinds of ways, including by making marinated in salt or miso, allowing to extend the shelf. In Japan, it alone accounts for nearly a third of all vegetable production.
In China, some radish varieties are also grown for their seeds, from which oil is extracted, while in the Middle East, others are exclusively for their foliage is prepared like spinach.

Organic gardening
By sowing different varieties of radish, can consume during much of the year. Very early spring, small round red radishes are sown, then a little later, the "French" radish, more elongated, which are more resistant to heat. In July and August are sown varieties of shelf: black, daikon, Chinese red or green.
To reduce the risk of disease, practice a rotation of four years (the cabbages and turnips are of the same family and should therefore be included in the rotation).
The soil must drain well, be loosened deeply, especially for elongated radishes, and have been enriched with manure or compost the previous fall.
pH: 6.5 to 7. It is important that the pH is high enough, especially if clubroot is present in the garden.
Clear so that the distance between plants of 2.5 cm to 12 cm or 15 cm, depending on the variety.
It is essential to irrigate the spring radishes to promote rapid growth and retard bolting. Also, radishes that grow too slowly and too often hollow quills.
If frost threatens, cover plants a agrotextile. This type of fabric will also protect against the larvae of the fly turnip, digging tunnels in the root and makes it unfit for consumption.
Spring radishes should be harvested preferably when they are small, otherwise the plant may go to seed and to provide timber and hollow roots. By cons, winter radish remain soft even when they are very large; so they can stay in the ground much longer. We do reap that when stored in the cellar or refrigerator.

Ecology and Environment
A study published in 2002 by researchers at the Ohio State University indicates that the genetic traits of cultivated radish varieties can be transmitted to wild varieties and persist for at least six generations or more. Thus, modified radish varieties genetically engineered to be resistant to disease, insects or herbicides could transmit their characteristics to varieties of wild radish. This would entail a real risk of making them virtually indestructible weed, that is to say that neither insects nor disease, nor herbicides can not overcome.
The wild radish is one of a hundred plants considered most harmful to the planet. In areas where wild radish is already a problem for crops, this resistance could result in significant losses. One of the authors of the study therefore cautions biotechnology companies against the temptation to develop genetically modified varieties that possess radish those characters.

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